"The Olympics Do Not Need Golf and Golf Surely Does Not Need the Olympics"
By Chris Chase for Fox Sports
Golf in the Olympics? Apathy among top players? Of course. That is so true. Chris Chase is absolutely correct and accurately reporting the issue on behalf of Fox Sports. One big however though: Those that do not wish to compete do not have to. That is pretty simple. Those that do - let them. Another International Event is not going to hurt any sport. Just take the criteria and work one's way down until a player accepts the opportunity to play. Leave it up to the individual. Fill the field and award the medals at the end of play. The player that wins Gold can say he/she did. Period. If you do not want to attend the event, don't. If you do not wish to view the event or check on it online, don't. Shameless self-promoting criticism of an event is nothing more than bringing attention to your sponsors for others to see their name and logos (Adam Scott) for a few more impressions. I am sure you can throw in a few more Tweets in there as well.
This article and the comments therein along with my comment/response is nothing more than a waste of time. Who cares what Adam Scott thinks? Adam Scott is free to do what he wants to do. I am free to read this article or not and to respond or not. What does that all mean and what good does it do? Nothing. Everyone knows Tiger Woods hated playing in the Ryder Cup and it surely showed. Mark O'Mear supported Tiger and that blackballed him for ever becoming a Ryder Cup Captain - and that hurt Mark's feelings. I don;t blame Mark. He was caught in between a rock and a hard place at that time. Subsequent events changed life for both mark and Tiger. This is the last time I will spend any effort on this ridiculous topic (which was easily predicted by anyone - not just me) and the tabloid remarks made by "name" players. Play golf, or don't. One should think about making comments and doing things that help people and society. Personally, I prefer to use golf as a means to that end. That is a better and more productive use of one's time. Enough said.
Mark Andrew Zwartynski @markandrewz
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